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3 Things You Can Donate During Spring Cleaning

3 Things You Can Donate During Spring Cleaning

This year when you’re spring cleaning your home, sort through your things and decide what you want to keep. Once you prioritize your list, you can start thinking about how you want to part with certain items. Consider offering your things to a charity that could use them. These are the things you can donate during spring cleaning to get you started.

Pantry Supplies Are Always a First Choice

More than anything, people need sustenance to get through their day. If there’s anything that you choose to donate, make it a few cans of vegetables or soup that you have lying around. Gut your pantry of everything you normally don’t eat or things that have a long shelf life and can stretch for many meals, like bags of rice and grains. These are things you can donate to charities in your community today.

Used Books for Learning and Entertainment

It’s easy to cleave to favorite books you grew up with or titles you have read several times. But let’s face it: after so many reads, you’re not likely to pick the book up again. If anything, they will stay on the shelf and collect dust indefinitely. So use this as an opportunity to enrich someone else’s life with knowledge or entertainment by donating your used books and making a difference in another person’s life.

Gently Used Clothes

Everyone needs clothes. Clothes are something that we use for more than survival; they are a staple in society. Your clothes say a lot about you, and dressing nicely allows you to put your best foot forward into the world. If you have a pair of sneakers that are seeing little action these days or shirts that you haven’t worn in years, donate them to someone who could use them.

If you take inventory, you’ll find a good number of things you can donate during spring cleaning to local charities. Make this a priority, and you’ll know you did someone a huge favor.

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