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Best Tips To Get More Distance off the Tee

Best Tips To Get More Distance off the Tee

Many aspects of golf can make someone pull their hair out, but nothing more than being short off the tee. Distance off the tee is critical to success. Trying the best tips to get more distance off the tee will help you cover more distance with consistent results.

Loosen Up

A lot could go wrong throughout your golf swing, particularly if you’re rigid and tense. You need to feel loose and fluid when you swing a golf club. The three things you must focus on are your hands, body, and arms.

Many players need to white-knuckle their grip and swing with all their might. However, this hinders your efforts because it slows your swing speed, resulting in less distance and accuracy. Try keeping your arms limp and relaxed. Doing so will allow you to fully extend and release your hands more naturally, resulting in a better drive.

Find the Tempo

If you observe the professionals, you’ll see that many of them have broad, slower swings that give amazing distance. You should take a slower swing, about a quarter as fast as your full swing.

Keep your arms and hands relaxed for a larger arc, and follow through smoothly while keeping your back straight. You should take your time on the downswing and keep the tempo consistent throughout the swing. Consistency is the name of the game.

Don’t Squeeze Your Grip

An improper grip can be a grave error for many new golfers, especially if you have experience with gripping equipment in another sport. For instance, baseball players typically grip a golf club like a baseball bat when they first pick up the club. Unfortunately, that grip will harm your drive. You should grip the club with your fingers rather than your palms.

Once you realize this, you can cut your grip pressure in half. This will enable you to feel the location of the club face throughout the swing, leading to improved ball striking and longer drives.

A Wider Stance

A player’s stance plays a huge role in their success. There’s only so much you can do in a golf stance to help your swing, but widening your stance is one of them. You’ll want most of your weight on your back foot while maintaining your equilibrium and center of gravity at the address.

Hit ‘Em High

The last tip is simple—set your tee higher. You’ve probably noticed on the driving range or when you’re power hitting on a golf simulator that a tee is much higher than the ones you put on the course.

In theory, an upward swing will square the ball up in the middle of the clubface, causing it to soar through the sky like a bird.

Trying the best tips to get more distance off the tee won’t make you as apprehensive when you step to the first tee. The more you incorporate these tips into your routine, the more natural it becomes. Before you know it, you’ll be doing all these things subconsciously.