
How To Think of a New Year’s Resolution

We’re in the home stretch of 2022, meaning it’s nearly time to think about goals for the new year. Rather than wait and decide on a last-minute resolution, start planning now to decide on an achievable goal. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into how to think of a new year’s resolution so that you can welcome 2023 with an open mind!

Think About Your Weaknesses

It’s time for a bit of self-reflection. Look inwardly and analyze what personal attributes you could improve. You may not be the best communicator or need to become a better self-advocate.

Jot down the many things you want to work on, then take things one step further by breaking down each item. Think about what the benefits of transforming those weaknesses into strengths would be. And if you tend to be hard on yourself and feel like there’s a lot you need to improve, reach out to a loved one for some support.

Keep Goals Attainable

No matter your goal, you should think of something you can reach by the end of 2023. While it’s tempting to shoot for the stars, bigger goals don’t always mean more growth, nor are you “better” at reaching them. If you set personal expectations too high, striving toward the resolution could create unhealthy stress levels.

Create a Plan

The next step is to create a path toward your goal so that you don’t just spring into things. For example, to become more generous, look into local charities and find one you relate to. You can begin reaching this goal by organizing a charity drive for the cause you support. Decide whether you want to hold an event to collect pet essentials, supplies for students, or food for those in need.

On the other hand, you may want to become healthier. To do this, think of nutritious foods you love, fun activities to engage in, and ways to decompress. Health is mental and physical.

Write Goals Down

Mentally coming to a resolution is one thing but deciding to carry it out is the point of these goals. Once you decide what you’ll do and have a plan to get there, it’s time to jot it all down.

When it comes to this tip for thinking of a new year’s resolution, you should also keep what you wrote somewhere safe. Some people also write their goal on a notecard, then stick it somewhere they’ll see it, such as the fridge. Doing this gives you a friendly reminder that you may need to change daily behaviors to reach that resolution.

Don’t Give Up

Changing your routine isn’t easy, and it can feel even more challenging when you want to improve an aspect of your personality. You’re not alone in your struggle. Talk with loved ones about your resolution and see how they recommend you achieve it if you plateau. Remember, personal growth is difficult for everyone, and the true sign of strength is when you push forward despite the growing pains.

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