May 15, 2024
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Tech and Productivity

Best Ways To Optimize Your Work Space for Productivity

You’ve likely experienced the feeling before: you’re ready to get to work, but your surroundings just aren’t conducive to a focused mindset. You might need to organize before starting, which can take up valuable work time. If you’re one of the many people who struggle to work in an environment that doesn’t feel or look the best, you aren’t alone—many people need optimized workspaces to foster and build their productivity. Keep reading for some helpful tips on achieving that.

Out With the Old

Old paperwork and other clutter can easily pile up and take up unnecessary space in your office. This can constrict you, keeping you from getting into a good workflow. If you’re like me, you probably have a few stacks of old documents, mail, and notes scattered across your desk. You likely don’t need all that paperwork anymore, and the trashcan is likely a better home than your desk. 

Just double-check that you’re not tossing tax documents, business documents, or anything that contains sensitive information. In the last case, you should consider shredding those documents if something has personal information (social security numbers, credit card numbers, account numbers, passwords). There are a few myths about document shredding, but the most significant one is that it’s exactly like throwing your paper in the trash. That’s wholly incorrect: document shredding ensures that any sensitive info and data are completely inaccessible.

Make a Habit of Cleaning

One of the best ways to optimize your workspace for productivity is to clean up the space at the end of your day. Walking into your workspace in the morning to see the remnants of the previous day still lingering is a huge productivity killer. You don’t want to start the day by cleaning up yesterday’s mess, as this can take up a lot of time and focus. You want your mind and surroundings to reflect a refreshing new day.

Change Your Space

Think of a time when you were working at your highest productivity—what did your space look like? If it looks different from your current workspace, you may want to change some things. Your old workspace may have increased your productivity, so consider every aspect. For example, you might realize that you used to work in front of a window letting in natural light, whereas now you work with shuttered blinds. Or you may have had a cute office plant and now don’t have any greenery nearby. Details such as these may seem insignificant, but sometimes, something small can contribute greatly to your productivity.