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Group Travel: How To Plan a Ski Trip With Friends

Group Travel: How To Plan a Ski Trip With Friends

For some of us, winter can be challenging as we often feel cooped up indoors. If you love being in the snow, then beat the winter blues by going on a ski trip with friends. Traveling with friends is a wonderful way to maintain a healthy mindset and bond with the people close to you. In this blog about how to plan a ski trip with friends, we’ll explain key tasks, from gathering your friends to booking accommodations.

Decide Who You’ll Invite

Consider the friends you’ll invite to join you on this trip. Choose dependable friends who you enjoy being around for extended periods. This way, you can count on them throughout the planning process and know that you’ll have a good time on the trip.

Likewise, the friends you invite should assist with planning so that all the responsibility doesn’t fall on your shoulders. If everyone works together, the trip will run smoother, and everyone has a voice in what you do on the journey.

Choose a Destination

When planning a ski trip with friends, you need to pick a destination with the right skiing opportunities and off-mountain activities. Ensure that everyone is on board with the chosen location and discuss budget constraints if necessary. Some of the best ski locations include:

  • Mammoth Mountain in California
  • Aspen Snowmass in Colorado
  • Jackson Hole in Wyoming

As you select a spot, ensure you pick a destination with a ski trail that accommodates everyone’s skill level.

Stock Up on Gear

After booking the trip, look through your gear to determine what you have and what you need. While you may already own warm gloves and boots, you may need a ski jacket, snow pants, and goggles. To save money, consider borrowing gear from friends or renting equipment at the destination.

Pro Tip

Most skiers recommend wearing suspenders with ski pants to prevent them from sliding down once on the slopes.

Book Additional Accommodations

Consider additional activities you can do during your travels. Ideas may include visiting local hot springs, trying out a new restaurant, or exploring nearby towns. Make sure to keep everyone’s interests in mind when planning these activities.

Knowing how to plan a ski trip with friends ensures you all have an exciting and rewarding experience on your vacation. Nothing beats quality time with friends, especially when you’re doing an activity you love. Enjoy a memorable trip filled with laughter and adventure.