May 19, 2024
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What To Know Before Going on Your First Fishing Trip

What To Know Before Going on Your First Fishing Trip

Fishing is a relaxing sport many people enjoy because it gets them outdoors more often. A weekend fishing trip can also help you decompress after a long week at work. If you didn’t grow up fishing, that’s okay! It’s never too late to learn. Discover what you should know before going on your first fishing trip.

Look Up Local Laws

Before you head out, make sure you know the laws in your area. For example, do you need a fishing license? Are there restrictions on which fish you can catch or how many you can take home? Never assume that you can fish in any body of water. Your local conservation center’s website should have all the information you need.

Tell Someone You’re Leaving

Even veteran hunters and anglers sometimes forget the most important safety rule for outdoor trips: always tell someone where you’re going. Tell a trusted friend when you will leave and when you plan to return. Also, give them the address of the location where you plan to fish. If something should happen to you and you’re not able to call for help, telling a friend where you’ve gone could save your life.

Forgo the Fancy Gear

It can be daunting to get into a new hobby if you assume you’ll need to shell out for tons of equipment. Thankfully, fishing doesn’t require much gear. If you have the basic pieces of fishing equipment, like a rod and some lures, you’ll be good to go. As you learn more about fishing, you can build up your gear collection.

Don’t Keep Fish You Won’t Eat

Frying up a fish you caught with your own two hands is very satisfying. However, cleaning fish is messy and it does take some skill. If you don’t have the means to clean and cook the fish you catch, don’t keep them. Take some pictures and release your catch by lowering the fish into the water with your hands and letting it swim away.

Make Friends

Many people go fishing to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. They want quiet and some time to enjoy the sounds of nature. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to other anglers you meet while you’re out fishing. Learning from more experienced anglers can be a vital source of information—you might even find a new fishing buddy.

This list of things to know before going on your first fishing trip should help you properly prepare for your outing. Remember, fishing isn’t a race, and it’s okay if you don’t catch anything on your first try. There’s always next time!