May 2, 2024
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What To Do With Your Stuff After Decluttering

Cluttered and crowded closet with clothes and boxes

Any time of year is the perfect time to go through your home and toss out all the extra things you don’t need. But what should you do with all the items you want to get rid of? Instead of chucking them in the trash, discover what to do with your stuff after decluttering.

Organize a Yard Sale

If you have a lot of things to get rid of, it might be worthwhile to see if you can make some money from them. If you have the perfect yard but not many things to sell, you can even invite friends, family, or roommates to add their belongings to the sale. One tip for a successful yard sale is to sell your items for 10 percent of what you paid.

Sell Items Online

Facebook Marketplace and other online sites make it easy to sell things without putting together a yard sale. The keys to selling used items are to follow the 10 percent price rule and ensure good photos. After all, photos are what sell the items! If you use a platform like the Facebook marketplace, be prepared to barter and haggle. Many buyers will make lowball offers or attempt to justify why they should pay less than your asking price. If you’ve never negotiated prices before, it can be overwhelming– just be realistic with yourself about how much you need to get out selling a specific item and be willing to make counter offers.

Repurpose Your Junk

Looking at the junk you want to get rid of, you may realize there’s a way to repurpose some of it into things you will use. Old t-shirts can become rags for cleaning, and that wire paper towel holder may function better as a toilet roll holder.

Donate Your Stuff

If your items aren’t broken, you could also consider donating them to charity. Many charities have drop-off sites where you can leave bags of gently used clothing. Popular charities, like Habitat for Humanity, will even send people to collect old furniture they don’t want anymore. Donating to charity reduces landfill usage and gives you a small deduction on your annual taxes.

We hope this list of what to do with your stuff after decluttering helps you get the most out of your whole-home cleaning. Use the new year as an excuse to declutter your home and fill your space only with the things you really want in your life.

Blake Reichenbach
He/ Him. Founder of Self-Improvement. Blake is a writer, gym addict, dog dad, researcher, and general life enthusiast. He's passionate about helping others reach their goals and live happier, more fulfilling lives. Both ISSA and ICF certified, Blake is a personal trainer and wellness coach who loves to challenge his clients to rise to their full potential.